This article is about the Mac environment.
It summarises the settings for running Drupal on a Mac. For our generation, the Mac is a computer that was the original GUI, and it has an image of being unrelated to software development. Since OS-X, it has become a UNIX-based OS, and it has a high affinity for server-side operations, making it extremely convenient for building websites.
I have been using a MacBook for the past few years because I like the consistent quality of the MacBook and the controlled interface that comes from the centralised management of MacOS, as well as the ability to synchronise with the iPhone and manage products without relying on third-party Apple products. The fact that it uses an Arm-based CPU has also led to improvements in power efficiency and watt performance, and thanks to Apple's clever marketing strategy, I find myself wanting a new model every so often.
I also write articles introducing useful tools for building and managing websites while using a Mac.