#C07 Amazon Work Mail.

Use an email address with a domain obtained through Route53.

Amazon Work Mail.

When using general hosting services in Japan, after acquiring a domain, a function is provided on the server's administration screen to easily issue an email account. This time I am using AWS and have acquired the domain via AWS Route53, and the settings have been completed for the website domain, but I cannot find a function to issue email accounts.

I will try to find out if there is an instance dedicated to email, and in the AWS console, I did a search for Mail and the one that came up was Amazon Work Mail, which I will introduce in this article.

Managed Services.

Amazon Work Mail is a managed service, not an instance. The functionality of the service is similar to the Gmail functionality of Google Work Space and the Outlook functionality of MicroSoft Ofifce Cloud, with Google and MicroSoft in common: the organisation is managed by domain. This makes it easy to issue email accounts.

The concept of the system is that each account is charged per email account. // Alias functionality is available, so 30 aliases can be created per account. The service has various functions such as business software and storage as well as email, and when used as a company organisation, it makes sense to think of it as a cloud version of business software.

As an aside, Google Work Space has a wealth of functions, and if you synchronise your Pixel or other smartphone, you can use it not only as business software, but also as a time card when you log in to work and log out when you leave the office, or you can set up Work space can be set up, and the booking and use of internal meeting rooms, etc., can all be managed in the cloud.

Amazon Work Mail is a similar service. However, it does not provide business software such as spreadsheets or storage with ample capacity, only a simple email and calendar function, and 50GB of storage is available for $4/month.

AWS is used by major companies, and Amazon Work Mail also allows you to set up an Organisation, connect your domain to the Organisation, and set up users for each email account you actually use.

1.Amazon Work Mail settings.

Configure Amazon Work Mail as soon as possible.

Administration screen: in Amazon it is called the Management Console. This is the first time we have found the official name, so we will refer to it as the Management Console from now on. First select the region where you want to use Work Mail.

  1. Log in to the management console as the executing user.
  2. Enter ‘Work Mail’ in the search field and the Work Mail screen will appear.
  3. Select a region - Work Mail has three regions to choose from: Northern Virginia (Eastern US), Oregon (Western US) and Ireland (Europe). Select Oregon, which is closest to Japan.

You are now ready to use Work Mail.

All Work Mail settings are in English. Before setting up, you should understand Work Mail's policies.

  1. Set up organisations and assign domains
  2. Assign groups to the organisation.
  3. Register users to be assigned to the group.
  4. Grant email accounts to the users assigned to the group.
  5. Use the emails assigned to the user accounts that have been granted email accounts.

The policy concept is the same as in Google Work Space and Microsoft Office 365, where the organisation is managed as a domain unit and email accounts are assigned to users belonging to the organisation.

First, set up the organisation/organisation.

[Click Create Organisation.] The following organisation settings screen will open. The screen is in English because the region is Oregon. Enter the necessary information here.

2.Organization settings.

Create an Amazon WorkMail organization

Create an Amazon WorkMail organization to provide email addresses to groups of users in your company. The email addresses include the domains that you select for your organization.

Organization settings

Email domain Info

Select the domain to use for email addresses in your organization.

[1] Existing Route 53 domain { // Select here to assign the domain you have acquired through Route53. }
// Select a domain name that you manage with a Route 53 hosted zone.
[2] New Route 53 domain
// Register a new Route 53 domain name to use with Amazon WorkMail.
[3]External domain
// Enter a domain name that you manage with an external DNS provider.
[4]Free test domain
// Use a free testing domain provided by Amazon WorkMail. You can add a domain later.

Route 53 hosted zone

Select the Route 53 hosted zone to use for your organization.
{ // Enter the domain you acquired here e.g. // my-domain.com //. }
Email addresses appear as: janedoe@my-domain.com

Alias Info

Enter the alias to use for your organization.
{ Enter a name by which the domain can be recognised. Example // enter my-domain //. }
Your alias can have up to 45 characters. Aliases can only include lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and dashes (-).
This determines the login URL for the web application: [alias].awsapps.com/mail

User directory Info

Select the directory where you manage your users.
[1] Create Amazon WorkMail directory { // Select here to assign the domain you have acquired through Route53. }
// Create a directory and add your users to it. This directory is only for WorkMail and cannot be used with other AWS services or applications.
[2] Use existing directory
// Use an existing directory to manage your users, such as an Active Directory.


Select an encryption key to help secure your data. Encryption keys are in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) in your account.
[1] Use Amazon WorkMail managed key { // Select here to assign the domain you have acquired through Route53. }
// Use the encryption key that we create in your account.
[2] Use existing customer managed key (CMK)
Use an existing CMK you created in AWS KMS.

Cancel / Create organization  { // Click on Create organisation.}

3.Domain Name Allocation.

The registration of the organisation has been completed, but at this point, the domain allocation has not yet been completed. You will now go on to assign the domain name. If you want to use emails from the specified domain, you will need to register the authentication information with the DNS server.

When you register an organisation, the Work Mail console will display


Organization ID
Default domain

The organisation is displayed in the form of Click here because a link is attached to the name you set in the Organisation name/alias.

On the left menu

  • Organizations
  • What's new
  • Organization
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Resources
  • Domains
  • Mobile policies
  • Organization settings
  • Tags
  • Access control rules
  • Retention policies
  • Impersonation roles
  • Monitoring
  • Logging settings
  • Amazon Simple Email Service

Select ‘Domains’ and configure the settings. The following screen is displayed

3-1.Adding a domain to WorkMail.

Domains          /     Add domain

Domain / Domain status / Default domain
my-domain.awsapps.com / Verified / Default

my-domain.com { Click Add domain to add your domain and it will appear here.  }

Click Add domain to register your domain. A pop-up will open, enter my-domain.com.

Click on the domain you have added.

3-2.Check the records in DNS.


Domain ownership  Info
> Domain ownership details

WorkMail configuration  Info
> WorkMail configuration details

Improved security - recommended  Info
> Improved security details

Improved email delivery - recommended  Info
> Improved email delivery details

The above screen will open.

> Domain ownership details

> WorkMail configuration details

> Improved security details

> Improved email delivery details

Click on the arrow pull-down menu to see the records that have been set up. Below are the records for WorkMail configuration.

3-3.Example of DNS record.

WorkMail configuration details

Type / Record name / Value / Status
MX my-domain.com. 10 inbound-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com. / Verified
CNAME autodiscover.my-domain.com. autodiscover.mail.us-west-2.awsapps.com. / Verified

Write all the records shown here to the DNS.

> Domain ownership details、> WorkMail configuration details、> Improved security details、> Improved email delivery details Write all records in the DNS.

Write the records to the DNS and if the configuration is correct, the status of each record will be ‘Verified’. Write all records to DNS.

3-4.Write a record to Lightsail's DNS.

If you use EC2, you write to Route53's DNS, but I use Lightsail's DNS, so I open the Lightsail console, select “Domains and DNS”, select ’Add Record Add Record’, select MX, TX or CNAME and enter the value.

Route53 allows you to copy and paste all text data, but with Lightsail's DNS you need to enter one record at a time.

When all records are Verified, you can use email.

This completes the organisation setup. With this configuration, the organisation is assigned a domain and is ready to grant email accounts for the assigned domain to users belonging to this organisation.

3-5.Supplementary information.

Set ‘my-domain.com’ as default as emails are sent to ‘my-domain.awsapps.com’ by default.

Changing the domain for default email.

Domain / Domain status / Default domain
my-domain.awsapps.com / Verified / Default  { Change default.  }
my-domain.com / Verified

Domain / Domain status / Default domain
my-domain.awsapps.com / Verified
my-domain.com / Verified / Default  { Change default.  }

Change the default so that the email address is a @my-domain.com.

This completes the domain assignment.

4.User settings.

If you are using an organisation, you can set up groups and set the users who belong to them, but as you are using the system for personal use, you do not need groups, so you can set up users.

In the left menu, select

  • Organizations
  • What's new
  • Organization
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Resources
  • Domains
  • Mobile policies
  • Organization settings
  • Tags
  • Access control rules
  • Retention policies
  • Impersonation roles
  • Monitoring
  • Logging settings
  • Amazon Simple Email Service

Select ‘Users’ to register users and set up email accounts. The following screen is displayed.

4-1.User and email account settings.

Add a user  Info

Add a user to your Amazon WorkMail organization.

User details


{ Enter the username for logging in to webmail. Enter e.g. // my-admin@your.name // etc. }
The username enables the user to login to the Amazon WorkMail webmail.

Username can only contain the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ (underscore), - (hyphen), . (dot) and @.

First name - optional

{ Enter a name. Enter e.g. // Taro // etc. }

Last name - optional

{ Enter the surname. Enter e.g. // Yamada // etc. }

Display name

The name by which the user is presented in the system.
{ Enter the administrative name. Enter e.g. // Taro.Yamada // etc. }

Email address

Primary email address to be used for this user.
{ Enter your email account. Enter e.g. // yamada // etc } -> Select from  @my-domain.com / @my-domain.awsapps.com

[1]Show in global address list { Select here. Enter e.g. // Account appears in organisation // etc. }
By default, all enabled users appear in the global address list. You can hide a user from the global address list.

[2]Remote user
You can select this option if the user is in a remote system. This will create an address book entry for the user, but not a mailbox.

Password setup


Password for the user to log in with.
{ Enter password. Example // Set about 16 digits with alphanumeric uppercase and lowercase symbols // Enter e.g. }
Passwords have an 8-character minimum with at least one character from three of these four categories: lowercase, uppercase, numeric, and special characters.

Repeat password

{ Enter password confirmation. Example // Enter the password // set above. }

Add user

Cancel / Add user { Select Add user. // The user account set up above will be registered. //  }

This completes the registration of users and email accounts.


If you log in with the login name and password you set up in the ‘Login name and password’ section, you can use the email client on the web.

After logging in, select New item and click New email to create an email. You can check that the email has been sent by sending an email to a different email address as a test.

5.Mail client settings.

The email clients available on the web prepared by AWS are all in English by default, and there are no Japanese language settings. You need to log in to receive notifications, so set up your MacBook or iPhone so that you can send and receive emails.

On your Mac, go to Preferences->Internet Accounts->Add Account->Microsoft Exchange, enter your name and the email account you set up, and click Sign in. Enter your password and sign in.

Now you can use your AWS-acquired email account in the Mac email app on your MacBook and iPhone that synchronises with iCloud.

// iCloud synchronisation does not synchronise the email account with the iPhone client, so set it up separately.

// The iPhone cannot be configured in Azure, so you need to configure IMAP and SMTP settings individually.

IMAP settings for AWS Work Mail

You can now use Amazon Work Mail to set up email accounts for domains acquired via Route 53 and send and receive email accounts.

AWS Official Guide.

Amazon Work Mail -> Official administrator's guide / English

This is a guide for administrators on how to set up and use Amazon Work Mail and manage users.

Amazon Work Mail -> This is a guide for administrators on how to set up and use Amazon Work Mail and manage users. 

This is a user guide on how to set up and use Amazon Work Mail.

6.Amazon Work Mail summary.
  1. Access the Amazon Work Mail console
  2. Configure Organisation / Organisation is an organisation
  3. Organisation is a domain unit, so specify a domain obtained from Route53.
  4. After registering an Organization, assign a domain to it.
  5. By writing a record in the DNS, the domain allocation is completed and the email account is ready to use.
  6. Use Lightsail's DNS instead of Route53 for DNS.
  7. Set up email accounts. Mail accounts must be acquired on a per-user basis, 30 mail aliases can be used per user.
  8. There is a $4/month fee for each user account that specifies an email account.
  9. Once the email account has been set up, confirm sending and receiving with an email client that can be used on the web. After confirmation, set the email account you have acquired to the standard email client on your MacBook.
  10. Test using the email account you set up with Drupal's formmail, but an error occurs and email sending from formmail is not working.
  11. In the next section, identify and address the cause of the inability to send emails from formmail.

The process is being carried out in the following way.

Next article

Contact Form and SES.

The email account has been set up smoothly so far and I was able to send and receive emails in my email client without any problems, but when I registered the email account I acquired in Drupal's Form Mail and used it for testing, I was unable to send an email. There are several possible reasons, so we will look for the causes one by one.

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